A lecture about Tungufell Church and the Icelandic national dress

You can book a lecture in Tungufellskirkja about the church and the Icelandic national dress.  The lecture is about 30 to 40 minutes but you will book an hour so that you can walk around and have a better look at the church, the environment and the national dresses that are exhibited.

At the exhibit there are a few national dresses, such as a newly made national dress called “Faldbúningur” which has a stunning connection to the church and “Peysuföt” a 100 years old Sunday dress used by the lecturer’s great grandmother.  The speaker herself wears a National Dress from the 19th century.

The talk is available in English and Icelandic.

There are a limited number of appointments available. Please, book in advance, information below.


Adults: ISK. 1000,-

Children 12 years and younger: free

Book online

More information:

Opening hours; get in touch and ask for bookings or book online.

Email: ellajona@tungufell.net

Mobile: +354 8936423

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/tungufell/